Home Education 3 Secrets to Getting an MBA Online for Free

3 Secrets to Getting an MBA Online for Free

3 Secrets to Getting an MBA Online for Free

Want a better education, but can’t afford the local university, much less the ones further abroad? This is a common problem with so many people working to pay the bills while attempting to gain a higher education. Fortunately, there are ways to get your MBA online for no cost, or virtually nothing.

  1. Check around. One university might be charging for their courses while another offers the same thing for free. Of course, you’ll want to know if the courses are the same value, so do your research.
  2. Qualify for as many courses as possible. If you can take the majority of the pre-requisite courses from a free university so that you can then sign up for the course and you’ll need minimal extras.
  3. Join a no-pay MBA community. These groups can help you find the best courses for low or no cost. In some cases, they may even help you find scholarships for online courses.

Since textbooks and materials are a major part of the cost, getting these virtually can help offset costs as well. Try buying through Kindle or Nook to save money, or purchased used. It’s easy enough to do the research and just a few minutes of your time could help you get an MBA online.